Erotic massage: the best erotic massage techniques!

The sensual massage allows the person being massaged to open the doors of pleasure. Thanks to this practice, the techniques of erotic massage are sessions allowing to eroticize the sexual life, to exacerbate the essence and to awaken the sensuality of the practitioners. The origin of this method comes from Tantric massage. It is a ritual taught in the tantras. These esoteric sacred books led to one of the forms of Hinduism.

What is tantric massage?

The sensual massage forms a subtle loving exchange in connection with the teachings of Tantric sexuality. The nude massage is practiced far from spas and traditional massage centers. It is difficult to find a therapist because of its erotic nature. This massage session is practiced naked. The practitioner uses hot oil during the sessions. Unlike traditional massage techniques, erotic massages are mostly very sensual. The practice of erotic massage consists of performing large movements on all parts of the body. The objective is to make light pressure on the 7 chakras. The masseur slides his hands from head to toe. The aim of the session is to introduce a vibration into the body that makes it difficult to think. The sex of the partner being massaged is not excluded during the massages. However, the movements are done in a regular and light way, without masturbation.

Importance of foreplay during erotic massage

Erotic massage techniques can be performed for the simple pleasure of caressing each other or to discover each other between partners. Sensual massage can spice up the life of a couple. For the session to take place in good conditions, it is necessary to make some preparations. It is important to take care of the environment by switching off mobile phones, using soft lights and lighting nice candles to create a soft atmosphere. It will also be necessary to warm up the massage oil, add soft fabrics, soft cushions on the carpet, bed or sofa where the session will take place.

Erotic massage technique

The naughty massage can be divided into three techniques. Tantric massage is a subtle but powerful love exchange between two people. Using hot oil, this technique consists of kneading, slow touch and pressure movements. Those who don't appreciate massage can choose the caresses. These gentle, enveloping and non-intrusive movements awaken the erogenous zones and the arousal of the person being massaged. Those who wish to carry out sensual foreplay can combine erotic massages and delicacies. Some sweet foods such as chocolate and strawberries are aphrodisiacs. One can also alternate hot and cold flavours to bring more sensations to the body. To do this you need melted chocolate, ice cream, whipped cream...
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