Alternative Medecine


Amethyst healing properties and uses in alternative medicine

Amethyst is a valuable natural gemstone consisting of a purple or violet variety of quartz. It’s a silicate mineral stone that makes up the largest class of minerals and covers roughly about 90% of the earth’s crust. Silicate minerals usually…

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Roman chamomile, a plant with many virtues

In phytotherapy, Roman chamomile is best known for its sedative and soothing action, but it also calms intestinal pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Light on its benefits. Roman chamomile, a plant with multiple virtues In phytotherapy, Roman chamomile is…

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Know more about alternative medicine

Once decried and neglected, alternative medicine is attracting more and more French people in search of natural ways to fight back pain, migraine and stress: scourges that are very present in our society. According to the French Medical Association, 40%…

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Alternative medicine in a nutshell

In view of the sometimes insufficient effects of traditional medicine, many French people have chosen to opt for alternative medicine treatments. It is therefore a complementary or natural medicine composed of a wide range of curative methods whose main approaches…

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Yes or no to alternative medicine?

Although controversial, alternative medicine is no less popular. They are considered dangerous and ineffective, but is this really the case? Alternative medicine is controversial! Acupuncture, homeopathy, phytotherapy, osteopathy… Non-conventional medicines are very popular in France, many patients turn to these…

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What disorders and diseases can be treated with acupuncture?

Acupuncture, a therapeutic method dating back more than 2500 years, is one of the branches of traditional Chinese medicine. Several scientific studies have praised the benefits of acupuncture on human well-being. Let us discover through our guide the therapeutic virtues…

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The treatment of allergic reactions through homeopathy.

Homeopathy is a therapy to treat respiratory allergies such as hay fever. This therapeutic practice is often used to treat asthma. This disease is a common complication of respiratory allergies. A pharmacist or doctor should be consulted to obtain a…

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